Self-Promote with Grace and Authenticity™

In our workshop and online module on how to self-promote with grace and authenticity, one of the foundation concepts is this - when you highlight your contributions to moving the business forward it is always graceful.

I was reminded of this a while ago when I heard a feature on NPR's Talk of the Nation on The Quiet Power of Introverts.

During the segment a hotel manager called in with a story about a woman director of sales. He found that when she spoke with clients he observed that she spent more time selling herself and her career history than selling the hotel. He illustrated the discomfort when people focus on themselves versus importantly (and gracefully) focus on advancing the business. He said:
"When she would focus more on herself than on the property or the product we had, it became more of a liability than an asset to our company."
To highlight contributions to moving the business forward, you have to understand the business of your business and be able to Speak the Language of Power™ - which is the language of business outcomes. If this language is Greek to you, pick up a copy of No Ceiling, No Walls. It will help you be graceful and authentic when you capture opportunities to self-promote.

Lead ON!
Susan Colantuono, CEO and Founder Leading Women
Author of No Ceiling, No Walls and Make the Most of Mentoring. Underway is her new book, Network! What corporate women need to know about strategic relationships and success
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